Thursday, April 30, 2009

I decided to try my hand at hand dying silk thread. It took a lot of searching to find the quality of silk that I wanted to use. This is reeled silk, and it's probably close to a size 10 cordonnet, this silk is also 6 ply. So far I've managed 2 small skeins. These haven't been rinsed yet so they are still really vibrant. I redyed the red in both skeins to try and retain as much color as I can.
They're rinsed now and I'm waiting for them to dry to take new pics. I tangled them up pretty badly, especially that last one so I'm hoping when they dry I can unmangle them! I think the white between the red and blue is going to be pink! Oops!


Tat-a-Renda said...

Well done. I like the lovely mix of colours. I should give it e try when I have some time.

Unknown said...

How cool! I'll bet it shimmers nicely!

SY said...

Thank you Jon. It's a really interesting process, I enjoyed dying these. Next I need a swift. I didn't think it'd be that big a deal without using one, but found out really fast how badly it all tangles together!

Thank you TattingChic! Now I need to tat something! The great outdoors has been calling me too much here lately and I am so sore from working outside, it feels like I've run a marathon, and didn't even come close to the finish line!